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Monday, August 27, 2012

Quality Time

So Jeff and I did something the other night that we haven't done in a while. We got on the computer and printed out coloring pages, I found our markers, and we sat and colored. We used to do it a lot, but since having Toby, we haven't really gotten to. It's just something we do to relax and a fun way to spend time together! I have decided that I am going to save our coloring pages in a folder or binder and give them to Toby when he is older, and let him add to them once he knows how to color. I think coloring is a good family bonding experience. I think I got that from my Aunt Terri. I remember her sitting me and my cousins down at her kitchen table with coloring books and crayons and letting us color however we wanted. I hope she still does that with her kids! That would be great to know! I think I am going to find some of those velvet posters soon, and get some of those to color and frame! Those are great too! Goof-proof is the way to go!


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